Abhidha Journal


Journal of Art, Archaeology and Cultural Heritage

ISSN: 2583-4851


Journal of Art, Archaeology and Cultural Heritage

ISSN: 2583-4851


Submission of Manuscript:
  • Papers should be submitted through the online submission by email to abhidhajournal@gmail.com and before submitting your paper/manuscript please ensure that it is prepared accordance with the Author Guidelines below.
  • The manuscripts/papers should show the sufficient evidence of research (as a research paper or comprehensive review) and must be unpublished previously.
  • Authors must send an abstract of the paper within 250 words and 5 Keywords. The authors may add Acknowledgements, if necessary.
  • All manuscript must be in font style of Times New Roman, size: 12 and submitted only in Microsoft Word format.
  • All paragraphs and body text justified and single-spaced.
  • All manuscripts should follow the MLA style manual. The paper must not exceed 8000 words, including tables and references.
  • The manuscript should be well-organised in the sequence of Introduction, Material and Methods, Findings and Results, Interpretation and Discussion, Conclusion and References.
The title page should include
  • Title of the paper.
  • Author names and affiliations: Provide affiliations for all authors (where the work was done) including full institution name and country.
  • Abstract: A concise and factual abstract not exceeding 250 words is required.
  • Keywords: Immediately following the abstract provide a minimum of five keywords.
  • All quoted, reproduced material should be clearly referenced.
  • Correct and complete referencing of quoted and reproduced material is the obligation of the author. In the text, references should be inserted in parentheses in full.
  • Contents should be author’s own words, ideas, findings, and arguments. 
  • If authors use reference from out-sources, authors should cite the relevant source giving credit to the original author/contributor.
  • Set page size to A4.
  • Margins: Top and bottom – 2.54cm; left and right – 2.54cm (Microsoft Word “Normal”).
  • Tables should be created within a Microsoft Word document, should fit onto one A4 page and should be numbered and captioned below the table, centre-aligned. Please do not insert tables as images and ensure that all tables are referenced at least once in the main body of the text.
  • The authors may embed the figures, plates and maps in the manuscript, but these images are to be sent separately as JPEG (or any compatible format) images with minimum 300 dpi resolution.
  • All figures and images must be inserted in a JPEG image format, within the page margins, and be centered. Do not insert loose objects such as arrows, lines or text boxes. Please include figure number and caption below the figure (Fig. 1: Caption), centre aligned. Please ensure that all figures are referenced at least once in the main body of the text.
    Please list the figures, plates, maps and tables and include the callouts by number (for example: Fig. 1,2,3…; Plate 1,2,3…, Map 1,2,3…, and Table 1,2,3…) of all these in the text accordingly. Please give the required copyright credits.
    Use British English spelling and punctuation throughout the manuscript. If you are quoting previously published materials, then please quote these as in the original.
    Words in local language must be italicised and the meaning (or an explanation) should be given in bracket after each of these words in the first instance. 
    References should be single-spaced. Each reference should be indented after the first line with a 1-cm hanging indent.
    The journal follows author-date system (for example Agrawal 1982: 60; Ansari and Dhavalikar 1970: 25) for referencing throughout the journal. Please avoid endnotes and footnotes. All the reference entries in the text should be included in the list of references at the end of the manuscript. Below are some examples of the referencing style that we shall follow:
  • Anderson, Benedict R. O’G. 1983. Imagined Communities: Reflections on the Origin and Spread of Nationalism. London: Verso.
  • Bakhtin, M. M. 1981. The Dialogic Imagination: Four Essays. Austin: University of Texas Press.
  • Banerjee, Prathama. 1999. “Historic Acts? Santal Rebellion and the Temporality of Practice.” Studies in History 15 (2): 209–46.
  • ———. 2006a. “Culture/Politics: The Irresoluble Double-Bind of the Indian Adivasi.” Indian Historical Review 33 (1): 99–126.
  • ———. 2006b. Politics of Time: “Primitives” and History-writing in a Colonial Society. New Delhi: Oxford University Press.
  • Benjamin, Walter. 1969. Illuminations. New York: Schocken Books.
  • Goody, Jack. 1986. The Logic of Writing and the Organization of Society. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
  • Gottlieb, Nanette. 2018. Language and the Modern State : The Reform of Written Japanese. London: Routledge.
  • Hembrom, Parimal. 2007. Santali Sahityer Itihas [History of Santali Literature]. Kolkata: Nirmal Publications.
Review of Paper/Manuscript:
  • The manuscript will be numbered and sent to the reviewer for review-report.
  • The author/s will be intimated of the review and the process will take a maximum period of 15 – 20 days.